Study Abroad Campaign

UF College of Journalism | 2021

About the Project

Year Completed: Summer Semester 2021

Roles: Creative Team, Research Team

The final class within the advertising curriculum at UF is a group project where students design a fully realized campaign for a real client. My class worked on behalf of UF’s College of Journalism and Communication’s (CJC) annual study abroad trip to Barcelona, Spain and Santorini, Greece.

Prior to the global outbreak of COVID-19, the CJC’s trip had 17 consecutive years of great success. It had the highest attendance of any UF study abroad program and a legacy of forming lifelong friendships among students.

For the past two years, this program has been paused due to global travel restrictions and danger surrounding the pandemic. It is planned to resume in 2022 with an advertising campaign launching in Fall Semester of 2021. This program typically relies on testimonies from previous attendants to promote itself, but because most of the previous years’ participants have already graduated and left Gainesville, the college needed to find a new way of spreading the word to students.

Enter our campaign: designed to appeal to social media savvy students while also assuring parents of the program’s merits, it will prevent trip attendance from suffering from a lack of organic promotion due to trip cancellations.

All works featured on this page were created by me without the assistance of other group members.


Campaign style guide

Instagram Post Set: Current Events

Text would include fun, lighthearted news snippets from each country.

Instagram Post Set: Q&A

Text would include information about the tour and the countries in the trip itinerary.

Assorted Other Instagram posts

Bi-Fold Pamphlet

There is a white border around the document.