Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
Long Term Project | 2021–2023
About the Project
Completed: November 2021 to January 2023
Roles: Communications and Marketing Coordinator (full time staff member)
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture (AFEA) is a small, not-for-profit graduate school dedicated to teaching students the art of five element acupuncture. It differs significantly from the more common traditional Chinese acupuncture (more information on that can be found here). AFEA also maintains a low cost student clinic where members of the Gainesville community can receive low cost or free treatment.
Working at AFEA allowed me to greatly expand my professional aptitudes. Since starting in November 2021, I have:
- Launched new admissions initiatives that increased prospective student engagement with the Academy. I helped create a bi-monthly online information session hosted over Zoom and designed a monthly newsletter for prospective students. These efforts increased the number of leads who submit their information to our website, and allowed us more opportunities to personally engage with prospective students.
- Crafted and executed a Google Ad campaign that brought in new clinic patients and increased brand awareness in the local community.
- Redesigned AFEA’s seasonal newsletter from a clunky PDF to an HTML email. The change made it mobile friendly, connected its content to AFEA’s website, and increased click rates.
- Planned, coordinated with vendors, and oversaw a commencement ceremony for 150 attendees.
- Helped coordinate staff and vendors for several other school events, including new student orientations and ceremonies.
- Drafted and began implementing an all encompassing brand redesign project for both the school and clinic. Many materials from this project are included in the Designs section.
- Created countless new marketing materials, including flyers, banners, business cards, gift certificates, stickers, digital designs, emails, and webpages.
- Made significant updates to AFEA’s WordPress site and was responsible for its regular maintenance.
- Served as AFEA’s Google for Education Administrator, managing the creation and maitenance of all staff and student accounts.
- Managed campus IT. I conducted inventories of all campus electronics, created and instructed users on our IT policies, coordinated with our IT company, was responsible for printer leases and performance, and provided limited on-campus tech support.